Saturday, September 08, 2007

Little Big & Funny Moments

(07 September)

Today, Tomi came running over to me, holding out a drawing and crying: "Mommy! Look! It's Spiderman glisser on the slide!"

I nearly fell off my chair, laughing with delight.

Me: "I LOVE this!"
Tomi: "It's for you!"

Just so's you know: the slide used as a template here actually does look like this. It's a part of a small structure in our neighbourhood park that's meant to look like a wee mountain. And "glisser" means "to slide."

(08 September)

This morning, as I woke the chickens up, I called out, "Who would like to go and look at a house with Mommy and Daddy?!" to which a tiny voice answered, "I do!" from under the covers. I explained that we were (still) looking for a house for all of us, and Leo asked, "With a garden?"
Me: "We hope so!"
Leo: "A big one?"
Me: "Well... I'm not sure how big."
Leo: "Gramma & Grampa have a garden?"
Me: "Yes, they do!"
Leo: "A BIG one?!"
Me: "Yeah, it's really big!"
Leo: "With toys?" (read: things for boys to play on)
Me: "There are a few, but there's also lots of room so you can bring your own toys outside!"
Leo: "An' run an' run an' run an' run? At Kiss-muss time?"
Me: "Oh, yeah!"
Leo: (wiggles under his blanket, eyes crinkling with a big, sleepy smile)