Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Bananas & Breadsticks

Mom: Keep going! Can you make it spin, like you were?

Leo: Pour quoi tu fais ça? (Why are you doing that?) Parce qu'il faut faire des *bananas*? (Because we need to do (use) the bananas?)

Tomi: No-o-on, on va pas faire des *bananas*, on va faire *breadstick(s)*. (No-o-o, we're not doing bananas, we're going to make breadsticks.)

It made me laugh to hear that when Tomi uses the word "breadsticks" in a French sentence, he doesn't pronounce the "s" at the end (though they both do with the word "bananas").

Just fyi, we had talked about the possibility of making banana bread, too, and if you knew where we keep the fruit basket, you could see Leo looking briefly over to be sure the bananas are still there.

p.s. Sorry about the quality. It's my first time reducing the size of a home movie for You Tube...