Don't worry, this post won't be a year's worth long! The other day, though, looking back on the year that's about to give way to another, I realised that an incredible amount of things have come to pass chez nous in the last 365 days. There were changes and more changes, ups and downs, bigs and littles, stranges and wonderfuls... There was learning, adjusting and readjusting, dealing with and letting go, discovering and rediscovering... There was alot.
Thinking back and through it all, though, I kept coming back to one incredible three-day weekend that I spent with my three B. Boys this autumn. It was one of those times that encapsulates for me all of the good/wonderful, lovely/gorgeous, funny/hilarious things about those three, and made me realise once again just how lucky I've been in love.
Which brings me to another point, which is really the point, which is:
Here's wishing happiness and love to all of our loved ones* near and far, in the coming year!
* and their loved ones, and their loved ones' loved ones, and their loved ones' loved ones' loved ones, and...