Monday, September 18, 2006

Old Friends, New Circus

This last one was a weekend in which we did very little, out of the necessity that sick wee ones bring, and yet even that little that we did was more than enough to wear us all out, though happily.

After Friday's group parent-teacher meeting that lasted much longer than the hour that they'd planned, and which revealed engaged, swank teachers, we had a delicious dinner with Caro & Fred until Tomi actually started getting us ready to go, explaining that it was time... hilarious! Leo'd been sleeping since we'd begun eating on a matress Caro had put out especially for him. Unfortunately, I didn't have the camera for this part of the evening. However... after we'd got home and got the kids in bed and were beginning to wrap things up ourselves, I got a phone call. Caroline: you forgot your insulin on the counter! Luckily, they live on the next street over, so five minutes later:(The two late arrivals, Antja & Nadia, followed by Caro, Fred and li'l aul' me)

The next evening we attended the opening for the Théâtre Jeune Public ( New Circus!* The boys LOVED it, though Leo started lagging just about the moment we arrived. Tomi was clapping wildly and thought the sketches were hilarious. Leo lay down comfortably on his dally's knee in their front row seat and smiled - and every once in a while the next day, he'd look up and say, "Cer! Kuss!"
(In the 2nd of these three, Tomi had just asked me to be sure that Teddy was in the picture; & in the 3rd, he's doing a kind of blues-y dance in the buffet tent afterwards...)

After the circus, the boys went home, and I swung 'round to the opening party for a new, pocket-sized cultural agenda that some friends began this autumn. I'm doing a sort of graphic novel/cartoon page for each month's edition, all of which takes place in our favourite Strasbourg tavern, La Hache (mentioned earlier on this blog) - and so I'll leave it to you to guess where the party was held...! From the look of things, a good time was had by all.

Ah, and here's a wee look at my favourite corner of the terrace, which has done extremely well over the past summer, despite the weird weather patterns and my forgetting fertilizer. Some of these plants had done very badly at the end of last summer, but we brought them in and gave them all the encouragement they needed, and now...
Oh! And Tomi is now officially a "Big Boy." At any rate, that's what he'd have us believe. And now that he's a "Big Boy," his shoes are "Big Shoes," his jeans are "Big Jeans"... etcetera. He loves school. He's excited to know that he'll be going the next day as we tuck him in to bed, and he's so proud when he comes out of the classroom at lunchtime. He smiles at me (well, us, since Leo won't be able to go back until the runs have run out of steam... ugh. Sorry) as he comes out and goes straight to his peg and lifts off his backpack, shrugs it on, and then - only then! - comes over to give me a hug and a kiss.

* New Circus is super-inventive, super-funny & sans animals - that is, unless the circus members decide to act the part of the animals!