Tuesday, April 29, 2008

New Neighbours

Sometime around end-February / beginning-March, we began hearing the warbling of a blackbird in our courtyard. For some weeks, he would essentially stay perched on the antenna just across from us. His warbling is so beautiful, it sometimes brings tears to my eyes. It occurred to me, after a few weeks of this beauty, that when he left it would be very hard to get used to his absence. After reading up on blackbirds, though, it seems there is every chance that, once nested in a particular spot, the blackbirds will stay on, year after year. Oh-ho, how I hope this is true! Unless, of course, we ever do move. In which case, I'm going to do everything in my power to get them to accompany us.

Tomi took the picture above a few weeks ago, just after the blackbird had begun to spread his wings a bit. Here he is on the corner rooftop to the front-right of us in the courtyard.

And then, this weekend, before hopping into bed, Leo first spent some time in my arms, watching and listening, and then it was Tomi's turn. And just as I was going to send the tot off to pillowland, what to our wondering eyes? The warbler's mate! And they kissed! I kid you not. One of the most beautiful sights I've seen in ages (besides my boys, of course)...