Thursday, February 01, 2007


We four went to see Hector in the flesh later in the evening (please see first of day's two posts, below). And what a beautiful baby we found - as well as utterly thrilled, magnificently content parents! He's sleeping well, eating well about every 3-4 hours, crying only a wee bit when he's getting a change... In other words, things couldn't have begun better.

I was holding Hector while the boys took off their coats, shoes and socks and even (eventually) their shirts (?!). When they were done, Tomi began prancing around, happily looking up at the little bundle. Suddenly there was a desperate tug at my sweater, and Leo's cry: "MY WANT LOOK AT BAY-BEE TOO-OO!" When Hector was brought down to their level for inspection, they were in awe, "caressing" him with their hands at a distance of a milimetre or two from his hair and his cheek...

Running, skipping, jumping, happy-bubbling back through the botanic gardens and towards the tram later that evening, Tomi took one of those spectacular twisting-almost-saving-himself-but-not-quite falls, during which you can't help imagining yourself as Plastic(wo)man, stretching that just-slightly-too-far distance to catch the child mid-fall. Alas, we lack super powers. Tomi got a big, fat upper lip from the fall, but! he also got a ride all the way home in his dally's arms, and lots of extra Super Love. So in the end, he didn't mind as much as he might have. Still, though, it was quite a sad spectacle.