Thursday, February 08, 2007

Oo-de-lally! Oo-le-dally!

A couple of my favourite moments of the day:
Starting with Dally's return home from work. I was beginning dinner preparations (which had been stalled by the boys' antics as we came home from the grocery store - mostly more running in circles and leaping over puddles) and the boys were playing Dinosaurs Eat Everything and Install Themselves in the Interactive House. When they saw Dally, Tomi said, "Saloo-oo-oo-oo!" ("He-e-e-ey!") and Leo thrust a dinosaur in Dally's direction, asking, "Toi veux jouer avec celui-là ?" ("You want play with this one?") I grabbed the camera, and... And later, Jean-Philippe grabbed said camera himself, after I'd caught Tomi ogling the ukulele and suggested a lesson. He eagerly settled right into my lap, and with the water for their bath splashing in the background, he strummed along contentedly... and he was GOOD!