Thursday, April 23, 2009

La fleur de vie*

One of the boys' favourite movies is The White Serpent Enchantress, a beautiful love story, based on a Chinese folk tale and set to animation by Taiji Yabushita in 1958. Yesterday, while little Tomi recovered from yet another bout of bug, he watched and drew and drew and drew. When he was done with this one, I was talking with him about the lovely colours, and he asked, "Est-ce qu'on peut le print it?" ("Can we l'imprimer it?") He wanted to make copies to send as cards. So we scanned it, and... It turns out that flourescent markers (used for half of the colours, here) don't scan well at all. It was such a let down for both of us. But I reworked some of the colours and promised him a page on the blog. We might get around to printing, one of these days before the boys turn 18. You never do know. Seeing as how I can't even get a photo of the little guy with a crown on his head, though...

But! I did get a few photos this week, including:

Two happy boys in short-pants-cum-shorts made by Gamma with heart. And talent! They LOVE them. So do their parents. And we also love the fact that they are made to fray, but only so far: if you look closely, you can see where she's stitched the hem, in order that they not fray too far and get gross. Class!

One sick boy and one well boy, reunited after school and up to their usual imaginative ways. While I made dinner, they took a box that was in the recycling pile and turned it into a beehive. Then they drew bees and spread them on the floor around the hive. Then they cut a hole in the hive, so the bees could enter. And then they decided that their Pokémons, Etc. were honorary bees for a day. But when they pushed the Pokémons through the hole, they flew out of the designated 'hive space'. So the boys backed the hive up with other boxes. Here they've rearranged things slightly for the picture. The little orange dinosaur is the Queen Bee...

* la fleur de vie = the flower of life = an important part of the film, one of which you can see in this drawing