Thursday, May 07, 2009


(pre-script: translations at the bottom of the page)

So... The boys peed and got their hands, faces and teeth brushed tonight, and we settled down to read. One of the things I read was A Busy Year, which Gramma gave Leo for his first birthday, and which I hadn't read in a few months. As we got towards the end, Leo said, "C'est l'automne !" and Tomi said, "C'est presque Christmas ! Le père noël va venir !" and Leo said, "Yeah, an' he's bringing caca !" to which I absent- and motherly-single-mindedly (as in: we-are-reading-a-book-let's-concentrate-on-the-book) said, "Oh, Leo, come on."

And then we got to the last page:

December came... and then it was Christmas. Winnie stepped forward to give Woody her present. "What is it?" asked Willie. "Manure!" said Winnie triumphantly.

Leo and Tomi collapsed in one of the most startlingly hilarious fits of giggles they've had to date. They certainly couldn't have heard me read:

But Woody laughed. "Fertilizer is just what I need." And she meant it.

They are such a gas.

Oh, and speaking of which: when I kissed him good-night, Tomi giggled, "I farted!" ...and they collapsed again.

Like mother, like sons, I guess!

Speaking of whom...

Above are a couple of pictures of Puck and Peaseblossom, (a.k.a, Christopher Robin and Robert Louis, a.k.a...) taken on the sands surrounding Marseille and the Island of Frioul. I'm going to try and blog about it all, but we had an absolutely excellent time in Marseille, visiting friends - notably, Agnès, our aulde guardian speed roadster demon friend-of-friends - and soaking in the sun, being flung about by the mistral, walking to break Rimbaud's records, eating and drinking copiously of all things local...


translations: "It's autumn!" "It's almost noël! Father Christmas will be coming!" "Oui, et il va amener du poop!"